Saturday 7th of May 2022 is Free Comic Book Day!

We’ll be giving away thousands of comics from all the major publishers. Giving them away!
There are titles for every member of the family.
Doors open at 9am.
What Titles Are on Offer?
The range is huge! Here is just a taste of what we’ve got…

So, what’s the catch?
The catch is that comics are addictive and you’ll have trouble stopping after getting free comics. But that is between you and your therapist in future. But for now, we do need some rules to help the day run smoother. So, here are…
The Rules
1. Be polite.
Watch out for those smaller or less mobile than you. We will have zero tolerance for anyone making the day less comfortable for anyone else.
2. No Sniffles.
If you have any cold or flu symptoms, stay away.
3. Not all comics are free.
Look out for the specially marked comics on the special tables. If in doubt, ask.
4. Not all comics are suitable for younger readers.

We’ll have the family friendly ones in a marquee out the front of the shop. The free comics for more mature readers will be inside the shop. If in doubt, ask.
5. Share the love.

To maximise how many people can score a free comic, we are asking everyone to limit themselves to 4 free comics. Take your time and choose.
6. Try not to crowd.
There are no longer capacity limits inside the shop, but we still don’t want to jam everyone inside. If you have finished making your choices, are waiting for others, or just having a chat, please wait outside in Garema Place. If you are buying something, please try to queue out of the way. If you have a group paying together, let one person pay, and the others wait outside. There are baskets available.
7. There is a sale.

Lots of items are already marked down, we have lots of things discounted all the time. Almost everything else will be 20% off. Please be patient at the counter as they tally up your orders and try to queue without obstructing others.