
Eventually Everything Connects HC – Eight Essays on Uncertainty by Sarah Firth

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A delicious mix of daily life, science, philosophy, pop culture, daydreams and irreverent humour, Eventually Everything Connects is a work of graphic non-fiction that is comforting, confronting and mind-expanding in equal measure.

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SKU: 9781761068416 Category: Tag:


    WTF is going on? How can I find joy in these precarious times? Is my smartphone hijacking me? Why am I so horny? What do I do with this grief? What’s it like being the slug that lives in my bathroom sink?

    Eventually Everything Connects is Sarah Firth’s debut graphic novel,a collection of interconnected visual essays created over eight years.Sarah invites you into her wild mind as she explores waysto see with fresh eyes, to face the inevitability of change,and to find freedom in sensuality.

    With raw honesty and vulnerability, Firth reminds us that theprofane and the sacred, the tender and the cruel, the rigorous andthe silly, all coexist in dynamic tension. This book is a deliciousmix of daily life, science, philosophy and irreverent humour that iscomforting, confronting and mind-expanding in equal measure.

    ‘Absolutely delightful . . . deserves returning to over and over. Sarah Firth is a marvel.’ Michelle Law

    ‘A wise, funny and challenging book about people, the world and everything.’ Ronnie Scott

    ‘Leaves you with a deep appreciation for how very strange it is to be alive.’ Jessica Abel

    ‘In Eventually Everything Connects, Sarah Firth invites us to wanderthrough her mind, and what a wonder her mind is: a tangled rhizometeeming with curiosity and humble hilarity, contradiction and harmony.This book announces her as a brilliant contemporary philosopher andmaster of the graphic essay form, guiding us to ask better questionsabout what it means to see, and ultimately, to be.’ Eloise Grills

    ‘Sarah’s stories feel like time spent with a friend where themysteries of the human experience are deeply explored in arelatable and vibrant space.’ Mandy Ord

    ‘Eventually Everything Connects replicates thought and experiencein a way only comics are able to do: poignantly rendering mindand body in Sarah’s sumptuous art. Underpinned by a sense ofplayful humour, philosophical engagement and appreciative wonder,his book is a hymn to the delightful entanglements which join usto the natural world and to each other.’ Safdar Ahmed


    Biographical note

    Sarah Firth is a comic artist, writer and graphic recorder. Eventually Everything Connects is her debut graphic novel.

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