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Best Selling Graphic Novels for 2020

We’re compiling lists of our bestsellers for 2020.
We’ve broken them up into a few categories.

<check them out here>

As you know, we stock comics in lots of forms including manga and kids comics, but a massive part of what we sell are the American/British/Euro style comics in book form aimed at teens and adults. They might be graphic novels, trade paperbacks, hardcovers, or BD. Here are out top 100+ graphic novels, trade paperbacks, and hardback volumes for 2020…

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Best Selling Manga for 2020

We’re compiling lists of our bestsellers for 2020.
We’ve broken them up into a few categories.

<check them out here>

As you know, we stock all the great super hero books, and kids comics, but a major part of our business is comics that were originally published in Japanese. Here are out top 100+ manga volumes for 2020…

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Best Selling Kids and Young Adult Graphic Novels for 2020

We’re compiling lists of our bestsellers for 2020.
We’ve broken them up into a few categories.

<Check them out here>

Here we’ve pulled out our best sellers in the books aimed at kids and young adults. We’ve titled this “Graphic Novels” but it includes trade paperbacks and some manga volumes too!
Here are our top 50+ kids and young adult books…

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Best Selling Non-Comics Books of 2020

Beautigul Bus Shelters of Canberra

We’re compiling lists of our bestsellers for 2020.
We’ve broken them up into a few categories.

<Check them out here>

As you know, we sell heaps of comics, manga, graphic novels and more. But we also sell a select range of books that aren’t quite comics.
Here is a list of our top 15 best sellers…

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