Latest Comic Book Issues

Latest Comics

Looking for the latest release comic book issues?
We’ve got them.
But you might not find them listed on our online shop.
We prioritise in store shopping for new releases, so we don’t add new comic book issues to the online shop until we move them to the back issues, or maybe if they are a variant cover.

You can still order new issues to be mail ordered.
Your best bet is to set up a standing order in advance so we automatically reserve the comics and mail them out to you. You can set that up here>>

But you can also get in contact and ask us to grab something from the shelf for you too. Get in contact here>>

Below we’ve linked to the most recent new release lists. We usually post a new weekly list every Monday for comics that are expected by Friday.

Upcoming Comics

Getting ahead and ordering at least a month before new release day is the best way to make sure you don’t miss an issue.

Every Month we post links to all the catalogs that list upcoming comics months in advance. Order as soon as you spot something in there that you want. Just get in contact or start a standing order

Here are the most recent catalogue lists

Older Comics and Variant Cover Editions

Older comic book issues, or back issues, and variant cover editions get listed on our online store here>>

This can be handy to fill gaps in your collection, or if there is a particular cover artist you want to collect.

Here are some of our latest editions to the online shop