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SKU: MAY192234 Category: Tag:


    By Naoki Yamakawa and Akinari Nao

    The ultra-practical third-year in junior high, Yusuke Yotsuya, is still stuck in this alternate universe where his next quest is to “transport cargo.” While on the journey, he and his party rescue a platoon of soldiers being attacked by monsters who join them on their way. However, the soldiers, who hail from a military power, had actually been on their own journey to publicly execute supposed heretics in their custody—including a child! As if this political dissent and religious conflict weren’t enough to contend with, Yotsuya and the gang then find themselves trapped in the dungeon of an ancient cavern. Yotsuya’s a far cry from the “ideal hero” in this world, so what secret plan will he concoct to get them out!?

    Yusuke Yotsuya doesn’t care about getting into high school; he just wants to get back home to his game and away from other people. But when he suddenly finds himself in a real-life fantasy game alongside his two gorgeous classmates, he discovers a new world of possibility and excitement. Despite a rough start, Yusuke and his friend fight to level up and clear the challenges set before them by a mysterious figure from the future, but before long, they find that they’re not just battling for their own lives, but for the lives of millions.

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