STAR WARS – DARTH MAUL Lockdown (Joe Schreiber) Legends Series


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SKU: 9780099542964 Categories: ,


    The follow-up to Star Wars: Darth Plagueis is a Darth Maul prison novel set beforethe events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.

    From the mind of Joe Schreiber, New York Times bestselling author of Star Wars:Death Troopers, comes the delirious follow-up to last year’s Darth Plagueis. In a tale ofretribution and survival set before the events of The Phantom Menace, Darth Plagueisand Darth Sidious dispatch Sith apprentice Darth Maul on a secret mission to infiltrate acriminal empire operating from inside Cog Hive Seven–a hidden prison teeming with thegalaxy’s most savage criminals. There, he must contend against the scummiest andmost villainous in gladiatorial death matches while carrying out his masters’ clandestinecommands. Failure is not an option; success will ignite the revenge of the Sith againstthe Jedi Order.

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