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For the gamers this week – Assassin’s Creed and EVE

The only thing better than immersing yourself in a well realised fanatasy world in a video game is immersing yourself in that world curled up reading a comic! Two massive video game worlds get brand new comics stories starting this week in ASSASSIN’S CREED and EVE: Valkyrie.


New ongoing monthly series from Titan Comics begins 16th October
Written by Anthony Del & Conor McCreery with art by Neil Edwards

Charlotte de la Cruz is over-educated and under-employed, wasting her time in a dead-end job in San Diego, and spending her free time chasing down conspiracy theories on the dark side of the internet.
When a real-life conspiracy crashes into her life, she’s pulled into the orbit of the Assassins, a mysterious organisation of principled killers with roots stretching back thousands of years – and users of the stolen Animus technology, which allows them to experience the memories of their ancestors as if they were there!

Charlotte has a secret in her blood… the genetic memory of an ancestor who was in Salem at the time of the infamous witch trails: Tom Stoddard, an Assassin who witnessed a dark act with repercussions for the present day!

As Charlotte is trained in the Assassins’ art, and as she begins to investigate the life of her ancestor… the forces of the Templar Order move against her. Will Charlotte learn the skills she needs to survive, and the truth she needs to prove her worth – before the Templars silence her forever?!


New 4 part monthly comics series begins 16th October

preview PDFWritten by Brian Wood with art by Eduardo Francisco
Superstar writer Brian Wood tells the origin of Rán, founder of the Valkyrie-the deadliest space-fighter pilots in the EVE universe!

This series leads into EVE: Valkyrie, one of the most hotly anticipated video games of all time, a groundbreaking virtual reality space-dogfighting shooter from the creators of EVE Online.