Our very own Mal Briggs has been invited to join the panel of judges for the LEDGER AWARDS for excellence by Australians in comics arts.
This is a great honour and Mal is surrounded by some amazing company on the panel.
From the official press release:
The Ledger Awards, established to acknowledge and promote excellence in comic arts and publishing in Australia, announces the 2014 Judging Panel.
The organising committee invited a group of six – drawn from a mix of creators, retailers, publishers, scholars and commentators on Australian comics – to participate in the selection of recipients for this year’s awards. All six agreed to come on board.
We are very honoured and proud to announce the 2014 Ledger Awards Judging Panel:
Philip Bentley, Mal Briggs, Dr. Elizabeth MacFarlane, Tim McBurnie, Joe Morris andMark Sexton.
Short bios of each of the Judging Panel are available to read here.
Mal – Photo courtesy City News
Nominations close at the end of January, so if you know any Aussies that made a comic in 2013 and aren’t on the list, tell ’em to hurry. And good luck!
If you are wondering what all the fuss is about, drop in and ask our staff to show you the Aussie section. We don’t have everything that is on the enormous long list, but we have a lot and are tracking down many of the others.